Press & In the Media

May 26, 2011 |
WNYC: "The Takeaway"
Americans Becoming More Financially 'Fragile'
The Takeaway

May 20, 2011 |
ABC: "Good Morning America"
Elmo Tackles Finance and Urges Kids to Save
“Sesame Street” star and Beth Kobliner outline ways for teach kids about money.

May 20, 2011 |
NPR: "Morning Edition"
Young Adults Can Keep It Simple: Start Saving
Students should consider debt when they're looking at colleges and fields of study. Beth explains on "Morning Edition."

May 13, 2011 |
Elmo puts kids on right street to financial literacy

May 12, 2011 |
WNYC: "The Takeaway"
How to Get a Job After College
The Takeaway