For Halloween, 10 money lessons from 10 classic horror films

I’m going to go out on a (dismembered) limb here and say that lurking in every monster movie, horror flick, thriller, or creep show is a lesson we can all learn about personal finance. Don’t believe me? Here are some killer money takeaways from 10 classic fright fests. (Aside from the obvious: Get life insurance.) Read on for more…if you dare.
The Amityville Horror (1979)
Do you need a better argument for getting that inspection before buying a home? Finding out a few things about the previous owner wouldn’t be such a bad idea, either. See also: Poltergeist (1982).
The Shining (1980)
Working remotely—even if it isn’t quite this remotely—can be a whole lot more stressful than you’d ever imagined. Especially if the kids are home.
Child’s Play (1988)
Resist the urge to buy the latest, greatest toy for your kid. Though odds are low that the Beanie Boo you bring home will possess a serial killer’s soul, research does show that parents who give in to their kids’ demands at the checkout line may face another chilling outcome: an adult child who can’t handle credit cards.
Cujo (1983)
As far as I know, pet insurance doesn’t cover the odd St. Bernard who starts craving human blood with his kibble. But the costs of pet ownership can take a real bite out of your wallet. Make a budget before you adopt that new best friend.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Before you do the Time Warp, get on the same page with your partner, about your money values and…other stuff.
Misery (1990)
You need decent health insurance. Especially if you’re an author with a very attentive fan. (Tip: Don’t kill off your beloved protagonist.)
Us (2019)
Protect yourself and your family against identity thieves. They won’t be a family of deadly doppelgängers in your beach house driveway, but rather someone posing as a friend or your friendly neighborhood bank. Don’t engage. Run.
Christine (1983)
Purchasing a car can be dangerous—whether it’s getting bad terms on your auto loan, driving home a lemon, or, worst-case scenario, buying a Plymouth Fury with a murderous mind of its own.
Psycho (1960)
It’s hard to imagine anyone booking a room at the old Bates B&B nowadays. With travel apps and sites a-plenty, it is easier than ever to find great accommodations and hosts without mother issues (or shower issues). Still, make sure you have travel insurance, in case you have to change your plans in a hurry.
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
Getting a part-time job during the summer can help a teen learn fiscal responsibility—or, in this case, avoid a homicidal stalker.