The latest on identity theft, relationship finances, and how the GOP tax plan could hurt students

The latest on identity theft, relationship finances, and how the GOP tax plan could hurt students

Here are some favorite personal finance reads from around the web this week.


GOP tax plan could hit students hard

The Wall Street Journal

The GOP tax plan would not only affect middle-class families, but it could also hurt graduate students who would find themselves unable to pay the new tax on their tuition waivers. This proposal would further perpetuate inequality in higher education. Call your representatives today!

When the identity theft is coming from inside the house

The Billfold

There is a lot you can do to prevent yourself from being a victim of identity theft. But when it’s coming from within your own home, it may be harder to come to terms with it. Here’s one woman’s suspenseful and tragic story on how a family member stole her identity to open credit cards.

Navigating the financial side of a relationship

The New York Times

While you don’t need to mark your calendar in all caps with “HOTTALK DOLLARDOLLAR BILLS Y’ALL”—as the writer of this piece does—you do need to find some time to talk to your significant other about your finances. Being open and transparent now can prevent misunderstandings later.

Health care fallout: Fate of 8M low-income children in limbo

The Houston Chronicle

No child should have to know what it feels like to live without health insurance. Health insurance is the most important thing in your financial life, and with the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) facing an uncertain future in Congress, some children may be in danger of losing coverage.

How to stop your grown kids from ruining your retirement

Next Avenue

The number one rule for your adult kids? Don’t let them jeopardize your own retirement. While this may sound selfish, remember that your kids can borrow for college, a house, a car, and more…but you can’t borrow for retirement.

Craving more financial finds? Here are my latest blog posts!

How do I quit my job ‘the right way’?

Maybe you want to travel; maybe you’re looking to develop some new skills or go back to school. Maybe you just can’t take the jerk who won’t stop stealing your desk stapler. Whatever your reason for leaving, here’s how to ensure you make a smooth transition to the next chapter of your career.

How can I get my ex to help pay for our kid’s college?

Paying for college can be doubly difficult for divorced families—especially for the kids, who end up covering more than twice as much of their own school expenses than kids whose parents stayed together. Even if you’re not all under the same roof, it’s important to stay on the same page about saving for college, financial aid deadlines, and more.

Raise your daughters to be investors

More women than ever are saving to $1 million in 401(k) accounts—but there’s still a long way to go on the road to economic parity. That’s why it’s crucial to engage your daughters’ interest in money by keeping the conversation going from a young age. 

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beth kobliner college finance financial finds financial literacy financial news gop graduate school graduate student health insurance healthcare higher education kids and money money money conversations money lessons news older Americans personal finance relationships and money Republicans retirement student loans tax plan tuition waiver

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